Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapter 4

ithout the help of the fire-flies, she was lost in the dark again! But what made her go on her own were the small voices of despair and pity that came out of the small tunnel. The voices seemed to be mumbling something and calling for help.
 She just could not walk away and left those poor people in their pain. Lessie knew she must release them from whatever that may be holding them!
“AAAAHHHHHH!” – She screamed! In the dark she had bumped into something wet, cold and slimy! She knew it was some kind of creature!
 “Who is that?” “What are you?” she shouted and screamed!
“Show yourself! “, she almost pleaded now.
She retreated a few steps, her heart beating faster and faster. She knew something evil is in front of her! Straining her eyes and saying a silent prayer, she could barely make out the shape of the creature.
Then two bright lights appeared in front of her. The lights were so bright that it lit up the area and it also showed the creature quite clearly.
It was a big snake! The two lights were also the eyes of the evil snake!
Lessie realized that she could see everything only when the snake opened its eyes!
“What is this place?” she asked herself in her mind!
Opening the eyes even bigger, the snake moved gracefully and raised itself to a higher height and said,
“You must be hungry little girl!” Here, don’t be afraid!”
With its tail, the snake offered a big red, shiny, juicy apple.
“Here you are! Don’t you just love this compared to those green apples? Oh by the way---you know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, don’t you?  Hahahahahahahahahah“.
The snake gave an evil laugh while pushing the apple to Lessie,
trying to influence her to accept the apple.
Lessie never knew where her courage came from as she fought the temptation to accept the evil gift! With a brave face, she looked at the snake in the eye and said,
“I might be hungry but the King of Universe that I am searching for would never treat me like this!”
This made the snake angry.  She moved her long body and tried to coil round Lessie’s body and tried to force her to eat the red apple.
Lessie screamed and struggled to escape. She screamed as loud as she could and wished that all this was nightmare! All route of escape had been blocked by the snake’s long body!
She was losing the battle as the red apple held by the tail of the snake was being brought nearer and nearer to her mouth.
“No! NO! “, she screamed.
Then the apple fell, together with the tail of the snake – lifeless. Looking at the head of the snake, she saw a bright arrow pierced through the head of the snake from the back.
What a relief! But who can it be? Who is this archer that had saved her life?
Then out of nowhere, the fireflies appeared again! With a smile of relief, Lessie wanted to hug every one on of the fire flies!  Soon she was on her way again.
 This time the fire-flies formed the shape of a bright arrow to show the direction for her to follow.

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